Coach Vee in meditation pose with eyes closed

get healthier + stronger

When it’s time for a top-of-the-line lifestyle and fitness coach, get yourself one that can transform you from the inside out.*

*At least one who proudly geeks out over nutrition, gut health, mental health, fitness, mobility and endurance to UNLOCK the specific mindset + fitness equation that will work – finally – for you.


Forget about the body you used to have & learn to love who you are by nourishing the body you have today

I can tell you from experience, results are the ripple effect of your thoughts, nutrition and physical activity.

Because it’s not just what you eat; it is also how you think


I have seen what happens when you take care of your mental health and work on your mindset first:

You set yourself free of all the behaviours, habits, and patterns controlling your life

You then start feeling more like yourself again and continue to focus on working on your personal health and fitness goals.


Because the mind and the body are interconnected

Adequately nourishing your body with whole foods, nutrients, and an adequate amount of physical activity will also lead to almost immediate improvements in mental health, energy levels, and self-worth. It’s a never-ending cycle.

Regardless of where you are right now…

…you can get to where you want to be with the right approach and focus on fitness, your mindset, and nutrition.

Once we figure out your goals and what your body needs – and you start showing up for yourself – you'll start seeing changes and feeling like your dream self in as little as 2 weeks.

I know from experience how difficult it can be to lose weight, be happier, and fix your health while working a corporate job and living a busy life…

Each body and mind has a unique combination of challenges, & everyone’s ‘crazy’ and ‘busy’ are different

I focus on helping men and women who think their bodies are broken, find their unique mindset + fitness equation. Because there is nothing wrong with their bodies: they just have the wrong mindset.


I have been through it all, and have helped many who also thought they couldn’t do it. We just need to understand your challenges, invest in the right solutions, and tinker with the variables in your personal mindset + fitness equation until we nail it. Unlocking your potential starts with YOU.

See? Simple.

When we work together, you are not hiring a trainer that only tells you how to work out. You are hiring an Online Health and Fitness Coach. 

My personal goal as your coach is to help you rebuild yourself from the mind up, and I mean that intentionally. I look at you as a whole human being. My focus will not be on telling you what not to eat or how many calories you need to burn. Together, we will find and address the root cause of your failures, so you can start moving forward in all aspects of your life.

How would you feel if you had:

  • A workout plan that is tailored to YOU and your body alone, 

  • Guidance on how to execute the exercises in your plan,

  • Mindset training, 

  • Nutrition education, advice and guidance,

  • Wellness support,

  • Access to the WELLWITHVEE Coaching App,

  • Daily accountability and support via the app, and most importantly...

  • Science-based educational information will help you understand the WHY behind everything you are doing.

Impossible, you say? Not a chance! That’s what working with me is all about

Today I feel closer to the version of myself that I wanted to be, but that wasn't always the case.

When I was only 5 years old, I started struggling with asthma, allergies, constipation, to name a few. I was constantly sick and was hospitalized a number of times. In school, I was forced to do PE, run, jog, and play sports I couldn't even find the air or the energy for.

I was bullied and rejected for being different, but this fuelled my ambition for constant improvement and being the best at whatever I focused on. I had to prove to myself that I was able to excel in whatever I set my mind to.

Fast forward into my adult life, I fell into a cycle of excessive work hours when I joined the corporate world. Not because I was forced to do it, but because I wanted to continue excelling at everything I did.

I had no time for myself. I would eat whatever was available and felt 'soothing'. Needless to say, my choices weren’t always "healthy" (*queue the chocolate and pasta). I wasn't sleeping enough (4-5 hours daily on average), and I ended up battling high-performance anxiety and depression.

I was feeling sick, and felt an urgent need to change my life.

That’s when I started trying all of the things: everything I could find on the internet, highly advertised books and magazines, I followed different diets and worked out desperately, but I wasn't getting closer to feeling good in my own skin. I still felt sick, my asthma and allergies wouldn’t go away, and even when I would lose some weight, I would gain it all back (and then some). I fell victim to all band-aid approaches, I wasted my time, and put my body through hell in the process. Nothing got me to where I wanted to be. I was feeling consumed, hopeless, and extremely overwhelmed.

And then it hit me like a cast iron pan to the head: something had to really change. I had to figure out what was wrong with me and learn how to properly take care of my body and mind to rebuild myself. So I started investing a lot of my time and money in researching, studying, and applying what I was learning. I wanted to experiment and experience the results these methods would produce. I hired a highly knowledgeable coach who is now my close friend and mentor, and I am learning from and getting help from a functional medicine doctor that has taught me more about health and my body than anyone else. I grew A LOT. The results…?

I no longer have asthma or respiratory distress, migraines, headaches, constipation, scalp psoriasis, or skin rashes. I haven't gotten sick in a long time. My hormones are in better balance. I have lost the excess weight and bloating, and have even placed top 10 in a world-wide bodybuilding bikini competition!

I am my own proof that these methods work

If I was able to transform, so can others. So I started helping others with their transformations, and that's when my coaching journey began.

I am an online Health and Fitness Coach with certifications and education in fitness, mobility and flexibility, pilates, nutrition, glute development, hypertrophy, physique building, and health improvement.

 All that scrolling took you this far

All you need to do now is just start.

I have helped many confident professionals that were feeling consumed by the demands of their careers, reach their health and fitness goals with my 1-1 Signature Online Health and Fitness Coaching Program.

If you want to be the next transformation, hit your goals, and understand the ‘why’ behind your behaviours around food, movement, and self-love, you are in the right place! We can do this TOGETHER!

Are you ready to take action?


"I have more control over my physique than I'd initially thought; it's all about gaining the right knowledge and adapting daily routines that fit into my lifestyle, that are sustainable and support my goals."


Gevy’s transformation

Gevy lost 32lb with my guidance and support, and she challenged herself to do something she would have never thought she could do: step on a stage to showcase her transformation!

> Continue reading

 Gevy is just one of many!

Watch My At-Home Glute Workout!

Visit the wellwithvee YouTube channel to watch my at-home glute workout, get on-demand workout techniques, and learn more about health and fitness tips.

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